Urgent Access Eye Service

Emergency 24 Hr Hotline

  0818 393 393


.- For safety and legal reasons we cannot discuss any eye problem without verifying patient details. 

– All eye problems will be triaged by a qualified healthcare professional immediately.

– We will attend to critical emergencies immediately.

– You may be asked to attend immediately without sufficient time to pack your belongings.  In such circumstances, the hospitals will provide for your basic needs. 

– Urgent problems will be given urgent appointments.

– If you are triaged and your problem is deemed to be non-urgent, we will still offer you a routine appointment.

– To expedite resolution of your problem we may book you for scans in the first instance so you won’t necessarily need to return for tests at a later date. 

– We have clinics in Clane (Co Kildare) which is 40 mins from Dublin city centre, Waterford City and Athlone.

– Our service is run by consultant eye surgeons, not trainee doctors.

– Our emergency service fee is €350.00 (Inc. OCT diagnostic scan).  Your insurance company may cover additional procedures or surgeries if required.  

– If you require a routine appointment, please call our clinic number below during normal working hours.

Please contact us on the above telephone number if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Loss of sight
  • Sudden or severe eye pain
  • Flashing lights and floaters in your vision
  • Chemicals in your eye
  • Severe eye trauma