For Patients

Personalised care & exceptional outcomes
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Are you in need of urgent attention?

If you need to get in touch with us urgently, please follow the steps outlined in Eye Casualty

What to expect

We want your visit to be a smooth and pleasant experience. We are dedicated to providing you with the very best, most advanced and personalised care you deserve.

  • First, we encourage one family member to join you during your visit.
  • Please plan to arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment to allow us time to gather your information.
  • When you arrive, you will be greeted by our Patient Care Coordinator who will guide you through any forms that need to be filled in and ensure you feel comfortable and at ease in our care.
  • In keeping with best-practice clinical eye care, you will then proceed through a multistep medical evaluation process to ensure we catch any and all eye conditions, not just the one you came in for.
  • Multiple diagnostic tests will be required. Your appointment time may vary depending on the number of tests you require. The more tests you require, the longer your appointment will take.
  • Our sub-specialists will then use the results of our state-of-the-art tests to provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan.
  • As part of your appointment, you will get the opportunity to view videos, receive information booklets and/or an eye report to help you understand your medical condition and treatment options in the company of your family or friends.
  • We always want feedback. Please let us know how we can improve your visit with us.

We value your feedback

Please let us know how we can improve your visit with us.


How to get in touch

We like to be of assistance to you. Give us a call or send us an email to get in touch.


Telephone 051 552 050

Mondays to Fridays from 9am to 5pm (except bank holidays).